When Technology Meets Bacteria: Lasers Fight Gum Disease

Dentist Blog

Lasers were originally created to slice through tough objects. Once scientists figured out how to control the wavelength of a laser, it became a useful medical tool in surgery, eye care, and now dental care as well. If you are experiencing the early stages of periodontal disease, lasers may be able to help.

Lasers Burn Bacteria 

Your periodontist has taken courses in laser gum treatment and learned how to use lasers to fight disease. At different wavelengths, the lasers blast bacteria, the main source of gum infection. When the bacteria is reduced, the deep gum cleaning techniques your periodontist or dentist uses are more effective.

Lasers Do Not Burn You

Obviously, the lasers are set to kill bacteria, but you may have concerns about the lasers burning you. Do not worry. Your dentist or periodontist knows what wavelengths will kill the bacteria but not harm your gums or hurt you. The process will make your gums a little more sensitive because the lasers are killing the bacteria that irritated them for so long, but that sensation will dissipate over a few days. Then your gums will look and feel healthier, bleed less and will have fewer problems with infections under the gum line.

Special Lasers Assist with Gum Reattachment

In addition to killing the bacteria that causes periodontal disease, some lasers also assist dentists with the gum reattachment procedure. If you already experience loose gums that easily pull away from your teeth, you may prefer the laser procedure to the traditional dental procedure for the following reasons:

  • Less gum tissue is removed.
  • Tiny refined tools remove only diseased tissue and no healthy tissue.
  • Gel clot substance adheres to cleaned teeth and healthy tissue with heat application from the laser, bonding the gum tissue back to the teeth almost instantly.
  • You can brush your teeth the same night of the surgery without worrying that the gum tissue will be irritated or come loose again.
  • Gums will bleed very little after the procedure, and a week afterwards, they will not bleed at all.

Only certain dentists and periodontists in the country are able to provide this service. Check with your dentist first to see if he or she has the training and skills to provide it.

A Word about Dental Lasers and Insurance

Although dental laser technology is a fascinating and effective means to control periodontal disease, very few insurance providers are willing to cover it. Their resistance is due in part to the cost of the lasers and in part to the fact that traditional methods can be utilized instead and still be effective. If you absolutely want laser technology involved in your treatment plan, plan ahead and save, borrow or finance your procedure. Visit a site like http://www.neufamilydental.com for more information.


13 December 2014

Loving Your Smile

Do you remember the last time you looked at your smile and really loved what you saw? A few years ago I started spending more time analyzing my appearance, and I noticed that my teeth were seriously lacking. I knew that I had to do something to improve the situation, so I began focusing on loving my smile by getting some work done. I started talking with a dentist about how he could help, and it was really incredible to see the simple difference that he was able to make. Within a few years, my smile looked and felt completely different, and I was really pleased with the results. Check out this blog for great information on making your smile more beautiful.