Like all things dental and medicinal, you never know you have a problem with it until you undergo the procedure related to it. That said, dental implants are quite safe for ninety-nine percent of the population, but the last one-percenters are going to have some type of bizarre reaction. Indeed, people who have had previous dental implants may exhibit no prior reaction, but then do have a reaction to newer implants. There are at least three types of reactions you can have.
Titanium Allergy
Almost unheard of until people started getting dental implants, titanium was once used only in hip replacements and pins for broken bones. With the popularity of body piercings and dental implants, the dental community began to see rare cases of an allergic reaction. Redness, rashes, swelling and other symptoms commonly associated with an allergy occurred shortly after these individuals had titanium dental screws installed. If this is happening to you, or has happened to you, see your dentist and an allergist right away.
Lymph Node Problems
There are several smaller lymph nodes underneath the lower jaw that connect to the main lymph system. If you have a dental implant placed in your lower jaw and suddenly experience a lot of swelling right underneath the implant, the lymph node or nodes may be trying to fight off an unseen infection. They may also view the implant as a foreign body, which your body may be trying to reject. The swelling will resemble a large bee sting or golf ball near the area of the implant.
Full-on Dental Implant Rejection
This is very rare, since a true bodily rejection requires that something be fully encased within the body. However, improperly secured dental implants can come loose, allowing the body to heal and push the implant all the way out. If your dental implants are the least bit loose, see your dentist right away because this is not a normal reaction.
Revisiting Your Dentist for Anything out of the Ordinary
You may not experience any of the above problems with your implants, but you should see a dentist like South Florida Dental Arts anytime something out of the ordinary occurs. It is also very important to keep your follow-up appointments after your surgery, because your dentist can spot problems before they get really bad. The follow-up appointments also help diagnose these rare reactions, should you have one and need special medical care.
Share17 March 2015
Do you remember the last time you looked at your smile and really loved what you saw? A few years ago I started spending more time analyzing my appearance, and I noticed that my teeth were seriously lacking. I knew that I had to do something to improve the situation, so I began focusing on loving my smile by getting some work done. I started talking with a dentist about how he could help, and it was really incredible to see the simple difference that he was able to make. Within a few years, my smile looked and felt completely different, and I was really pleased with the results. Check out this blog for great information on making your smile more beautiful.