Why People Avoid The Dentist And Why They Should Not Continue Doing So

Dentist Blog

Have you avoided making a dentist appointment for the last few years or even decades? If so, why are you doing this? While there are a lot of reasons people do, there are also a lot of reasons why this is not a good idea. Reasons People Avoid the Dentist A lot of people have not visited a dentist in many years, and there are several common reasons for this.

14 March 2019

3 Tips To Use When Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dentist Blog

If you are over the age of about 18 and still haven't had your wisdom teeth removed, then it may be time. Wisdom teeth are a set of teeth that are all the way in the back of your mouth and usually won't surface for a really long time. However, if they do start to push their way upwards and out of your gums in the back of your mouth, they can interrupt your entire mouth including making your teeth crooked and making your jaw misaligned.

12 February 2019

4 Tips To Help You Care For Your Dental Implant

Dentist Blog

If you lose a tooth due to an accident or decay, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. You may even have trouble chewing your food or feel pain when you eat. If this describes you, then you should consider a dental implant. Dental implants are a safe and effective way to restore your smile using prostheses. Your dentist will first install a titanium rod through your gums into your jaw for stability.

11 January 2019