How Crowns Can Help Fix Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

There are many different types of dental crowns. Some crowns are white like the material of a natural tooth. These tooth-colored devices are often made of porcelain-fused-to-metal, all-porcelain, resin, or zirconia. A crown with porcelain that is fused to metal is typically less expensive than an all-porcelain or zirconia crown. Additionally, a resin crown is likely to be the least expensive, but it may be the easiest to damage.

Dentists use crowns frequently. Here are a few ways that crowns can help fix your teeth.

Covering a Cracked Tooth

When a tooth becomes cracked, it is more susceptible to infection. Cracks are prone to begin in the enamel. Even though it is the hardest layer of the tooth, it is also the outermost layer, which makes direct contact with items as you chew. Sometimes, a crack in the enamel material is only superficial. However, cracks may be deep enough to breach the dentin layer and, in some cases, the pulp.

If a dental crack jeopardizes the structural integrity or health of a tooth, your dentist may cover the tooth with a crown. The crown encircles the entire portion of the tooth that is exposed in the mouth, protecting and fortifying it.

Covering a Tooth That Has Been Treated Endodontically

After the dental provider extracts the pulp of a tooth and the tooth has been filled, they cover the tooth with a crown. The crown prevents bacteria and debris from entering the treated tooth and restores the tooth's ability to withstand bite pressure.

Covering a Tooth That Has Been Treated for Severe Decay

Dental decay can cause the dissolution of a large amount of tooth material. A small cavity can continue to grow until most of the tooth's structure is destroyed.

Dentists may apply a filling alone to treat a small cavity. However, when larger holes develop in the tooth, a filling alone may not be enough to restore the tooth structure. Thus, the dentist may apply a dental crown in addition to the filling. Sometimes, there is so little tooth material remaining after the decay has been removed that the tooth could not be used for mastication without the addition of a crown.

Additionally, the crown restores the appearance of the tooth. If a tooth-colored crown is used, the color of the crown can be matched to the natural color of the patient's teeth.

For more information about dental crowns, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.


20 October 2021

Loving Your Smile

Do you remember the last time you looked at your smile and really loved what you saw? A few years ago I started spending more time analyzing my appearance, and I noticed that my teeth were seriously lacking. I knew that I had to do something to improve the situation, so I began focusing on loving my smile by getting some work done. I started talking with a dentist about how he could help, and it was really incredible to see the simple difference that he was able to make. Within a few years, my smile looked and felt completely different, and I was really pleased with the results. Check out this blog for great information on making your smile more beautiful.