What Does Deep Pockets Refer To In Dentistry?

Dentist Blog

If you go to the dentist and find out that some areas in your mouth have deep pockets, you may wonder what this means. Deep pockets is a term dentists use when they examine your gums, and having deep pockets is not a good thing. Here are a few things you should understand about deep pockets in your gums. What the role of gums in your mouth is The gums in your mouth are there for several reasons, but the main purpose is to hold your teeth in place and protect their roots.

20 December 2016

Opting To Invest In A Metal Dental Crown

Dentist Blog

Taking care of your teeth can be challenging when you have significant decay or damage. When a tooth has been damaged beyond what a simple cavity filling can repair, your dentist may suggest that you place a crown on the tooth to protect it from further damage. Making the choice to invest in a metal crown can be beneficial. Here are three benefits that you will enjoy when you make the choice to have your dentist place a metal crown over a damaged or decayed tooth.

3 December 2016

Learning More Your Tooth Pain And The Reasons A Root Canal Is Your Best Option For Relief

Dentist Blog

When your dentist tells you a root canal is in order to treat your tooth pain, you may cringe and become fearful. Many people assume that a root canal is severely painful and takes a while to heal. However, you should know that a root canal is no more painful than having a filling in a tooth. The pain that is caused by infected, inflamed roots can be excruciating. You may wonder why your dentist doesn't just give you antibiotics and oral painkillers for your infected tooth roots.

15 November 2016

Tooth Replacement For Seniors: Implants Vs. Dentures

Dentist Blog

Seniors are one group of people that may have a lot of trouble with tooth decay and teeth that need to be replaced. Two main options often come up for tooth replacement: dentures and implants. Here are some ways that you can evaluate which is right for you.  How Many Teeth Need to Be Replaced? Your dentist should do a thorough evaluation of your mouth to let you know which teeth need to be replaced and if there are any others on the verge of needing an extraction.

6 October 2016

How Can I Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery?

Dentist Blog

Getting dental implant surgery is a big decision that will have some effects on your life for a few weeks to come. It's a great idea to prepare your life and mind for this surgery. Here are some steps to take.  Learn About the Process The first step, learning about the process, is meant to help calm your fears about the surgery. You might want to ask your doctor for a full rundown of what implants surgery will be like.

6 October 2016

3 Ways To Protect Your Teeth From Bacterial Acid When A Toothbrush And Floss Is Not Around

Dentist Blog

If you are currently having a difficult time keeping your teeth free of cavities, your dental hygiene regimen may not be well rounded. People often brush and floss at home, but these measures may not be enough to protect the teeth from the ravages of bacterial acid. Bacterial acid is produced by oral microbes as a byproduct of the process that they use to digest food. The acid dissolves tooth enamel, and the weakened areas begin to decay.

21 September 2016

How To Properly Care For Your Dentures: Five Helpful Hints

Dentist Blog

Your dentures give you the new smile you want while helping you to get through daily life. Protecting this investment in your smile means knowing how to clean and care for your dentures. Use this guide to keep your dentures looking their best for years to come. Rinse After Eating Food can become stuck between the dentures and your gums. To avoid food particles from irritating your gums and damaging your dentures, remove them after each meal.

29 August 2016

3 Lifestyle Tips For Preventing Further Tooth Decay

Dentist Blog

If you're struggling to keep tooth decay at bay, you may be wondering what you can do to prevent further decay and ensure that your teeth stay healthy. Below are three tips on avoiding tooth decay. Make Small, Lifelong Changes Perhaps you've tried to kick your three-can-per-day soda habit in the past, but you've struggled to find a healthy and delicious alternative that satisfies your cravings. Or, maybe you find yourself reaching for candy more often than you'd like.

11 August 2016

Foods to Avoid Eating with Dental Crowns

Dentist Blog

Getting a crown is a superb way to regain a beautiful smile, but the process is a bit painful. The pain is worth replacing a missing tooth and restoring the functioning factor of your teeth, though. You also need to avoid certain foods, especially right after you have the crown completed. These are some of the items and types of food or drinks you should avoid. Sticky or Chewy Foods

11 August 2016

When Do Wisdom Teeth Really Need To Be Removed?

Dentist Blog

Once, having your wisdom teeth removed was a standard part of growing up, similar to losing your appendix. But while it is often still necessary to have these back molars extracted, many dentists are now taking a more nuanced approach to wisdom teeth, and you may not need to undergo surgery if your teeth are coming in healthy. Although they do not always occur, these are the three common wisdom tooth complications that require extraction, as well as the considerations you must keep in mind when deciding with your dentist to keep or remove them.

26 July 2016